Thursday, February 3, 2011

Night of The Demons (2010)

Cast: Shannon Elizabeth, Edward Furlong, Monica Keen

Writers: Adam Gierasch, Jace Anderson

Director: Adam Gierasch

Okay, first off before I start, I'd like to note that I'm never excited for remakes. I tend to watch as a fan of the original to see where they go with them and most of the time am disappointed. Some of my fave remakes include "The Hills Have Eyes" and I'm sure there are a few more but I'm drawing blank right now. While many are very disappointing and lackluster, some are actually good and true to the original and some go on a different road but can still prove to be pretty good. However, I still do not condone remakes because let's be honest whatever is not broken should not be fixed and there can be only one. It's just a shitty deal a lot of talented Writers and Directors are getting do to Hollywood wanting to re-market the best of yesteryear. Again I watch many with no excitement or enthusiasm what so ever, unless it's a Director and Writer I trust but even then I get rather vehement about one of my faves being remade and possibly raped. So here are my thoughts on one of my favorite films of all times being remade, Night of The Demons.

When I first heard of the idea that Night of The Demons was going to be remade, I wanted to turn into a demon and find those responsible and hit them with the line "Where are you going the party has just begun" then eat their faces. Unfamiliar with Adam Gierasch, I decided to look him up online and find out who he was and what he was about. I learned he was responsible for "Autopsy" and was one of the writers for "Mother of Tears" I had not seen autopsy at the time nor Mother of tears, but i knew if he were writing with Argento, the man has something to offer. Still, I remained skeptical and unenthused by the idea, even after seeing and loving both films. I even said "I trust his work but I don't know".

I saw a few pics here and there and all they did was tease my imagination and I read some articles about the remake and even read some of Adam's blogs. I was still unsure about this whole remake thing and to be quite honest, FRIGHTENED. Then it hit youtube. A trailer for Night of The Demons Remake, I eagerly saw the trailer and I have to admit, I thought the trailer was terrible. The quality and so on was just bad, bad, bad. But I kept in mind it was just the quality of the trailer and maybe the film itself would be better. Most of the time I'm put off by trailers and the film trailers that can't sell me a film usually do suck dead donkey ass on the side of a hot road, for some reason my fright grew more for the remake but I decided I'd wait and watch and I did. Now the question is, did I enjoy it?........ OH FUCK YEAH I DID!

The film opens up in Broussard Mansion in the year 1925, and plays a brief flashback in the form of a silent film, where we see some demons some blood and a woman hang herself and lose her head Literally. Nice bloody lil opening to get the gears into motion. We now fast forward to present time and like the original this one is of course set on Halloween out in New Orleans. We get our introductions to each of the characters and learn that Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is a party promoter who is looking to make some cash. We also get introduced to Colin (Edward Furlong) whom also is looking to make some money cause his life literally depends on it. Our beautiful vivacious vixens Lily, Maddie and Suzanne (Diora Baird, Monica Keena, Bobbi Sue Luther) and two cool and funny guys Jason and Dex ( John F. Beach, Michael Copon).

So they all head to the party at Broussard Mansion, where we learn Lily and Dex used to date as well as Maddie and Colin and we see people partying making out have a gay old time. Maddie Leaves Lily cause she has to take a dump (Not really, though she does use the bathroom) where she get's the shit scared out of her by a hand that breaks thru the bathroom mirror and grabs her. Naive, she runs out the bathroom and into Suzanne telling her about this great gag that scared the shit out of her in the bathroom, The return to the bathroom and the mirror is fixed as if nothing happened. Back to partying and Lily rekindling with Dex in one of the mansions many bedrooms.

Angela jumps on the mic and starts busting some rhymes (She really doesn't keep in mind I always add humor to my writings) She tells everyone pretty much to get wasted, laid and have fun and the crowd goes wild and continues to party until, the cops show up. They break up the party slap Ang with a fine, her door girl Diana (Tiffany Shepis, whom I wish had a bigger part <3) bolts with her cash and Ang is left upset in the Mansion. Colin shows up from hiding somewhere needing to get to the basement to get his stash that he ditched due to the cops. The rest of the gang pops back in looking for Suzanne and she stumbles in drunk saying she passed out for a bit.

Of course they decide to stick around while Ang and Colin go to the basement to look for his stash, where they find a secret room. Turns out in this room the find a few corpses and Angie wants to show the rest of the Scooby kids so she runs and gets them. While investigating the bodies and confirming legends may be true, Ang tries to pull a gold tooth from one of these cute little skeletons mouths and is bitten and that's where hell starts to descend upon our lovable fun cast.

I can go on about the movie but it's so campy, outrageous and awesome (in my own opinion) That I think fans of the original should give it a shot. Don't expect the original at all, this is a fresh new take of the film and with the exception of some names the film is much different and that's pretty cool. Of course many may ask "why couldn't they name it something else then" well it still is a remake cause of premise, although much has been changed naming it something else would have the film ostracized as a ripoff and also Gierasch if I'm not mistaken was actually asked by Tenney (Original creator) himself if he would be interested in making a remake.

The demons look hideous (in a good way), they're so ugly(again in a good way) they look like....HELL (Audience Boo's) the Fx are pretty darn good and show's the film had a decent budget and even the little cgi that's in the film isn't too terrible  (I'm not really much for cgi) The death sequences are damn cool and the LIPSTICK scene is a total must see.The characters are fun, they're not melodramatic and boring. They each have their own presence and just seem like a bunch of folks out for a good time. Jason was my favorite though cause he was one of those "I GET SO SCARED i MAKE YOU LAUGH" guys. Though they all had good chemistry together on screen and the girls will make you drool. I also loved that they didn't act like total bitches in heat or air heads. That was pretty cool

The Mansion, although it was no Hull House and it cancels out the legend of Hull House. Broussard Mansion is huge beautiful and creepy. It's old architectural shell leaves you uncertain if anyone lives there and even though the place was obviously hooked up for the party it still permeated creepiness.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and seriously so this with a huge side of vehemence and was immediately won over. Now this film me not win the hearts of all fans. But for me I feel it was well written, well directed, nicely acted, it's dark, gory, funny, campy and one to definitely become part of my film collection. and for the fans there's a great cameo featuring Linnea Quigley which i found awesome and hilarious. The film also has a bitching soundtrack. This film really surprised me and made me very happy to see that although it strayed from the original it also stayed true to it in a sense and this puts me at about 3 for 3 with Adam's work and i totally look forward to seeing what his brilliant sick mind can muster up next.


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