Cast: Christina DeRosa, Cheryl Lyone and Peter Tahoe
Writers: Joseph Guzman, Robert James Hayes II
Director: Joseph Guzman
When I came across this film with it's epic title, I didn't know what to expect. I thought one of two things, one: it can either be a really good flick or two: it can be epic fail like certain other films with curse words in their title. I prepared myself and was even rather vehement until a friend convinced me it was worth watching by simply saying "Yeah man you gotta see it". So I did, and now here's my thoughts on "Run! Bitch Run!"
The story is rather simple seeing that it's a rape/revenge film and we know those films are pretty easy to come up with the idea, but can be hard to execute. This film opens with our 3 antagonists, all doing their thing (more or less) When our female antagonist Marla (Ivet Corvea) Seems to not be enjoying her disgruntled John who begins to disrespect her, only for her to stab him repeatedly. After killing him her two buddies Lobo and Clint (Peter Tahoe,Johnny Winscher) Run up to her room to find out what's going on. Upon discovering the corpse and not being able to lift, do to the weight of the man, they decide to chop up the body, bag it and toss it.
We now see our protagonists Rebecca and Catherine (Christina DeRosa, Cheryl Lyone) whom are two lovely catholic school girls out and about doing god's work, when they unexpectedly come across our insane fun filled antagonists, whom reduce, abuse and devour the girls and leaving Catherin alive to seek her bloody revenge. Sounds tempting Huh? Is the film actually good? Well let's give the specs about this rape/revenge film.
This film is filmed like an old school rape/revenge flick and it definitely gives off the feel of one also. Everything from the acting to the dialog and the makes this film a definite pièce de résistance! Though rape/revenge films can be easy to make as I noted having a decent plot is hard to come by and this film along with Terrence Williams' "The Hood Has Eyez" are the best recent rape/revenge masterpieces I've seen. The pace for this film is great, the feel again. i just right and the acting is on point. The Direction, MARVELOUS! Guzman knows what he's doing and can definitely and should definitely keep with this classic direction style.
The violence is nice and bloody, I'm not to sure how much of a budget they were looking at, but what lacked in budget was made up for in skill, great shot and the right amount of blood to make this film nice and bloody. There's some tasty death served up as well. The film is also packed with nudity of course and other types of ingredients to create a nice little exploitation in homage to many of it's predecessors and it certainly lives up.
Overall, I found this film very enjoyable and think anyone that is a fan of B-films, exploitation and so on, will definitely get a kick out of this. It's raw and gritty and fun. It has the right amount of sex, violence and debauchery and is definitely a feel good film for the whole family. (If you're the Manson family) I surely do recommend this one to those with my twisted taste and say you won't be disappointed. (Unless you're one of those people that expects things to be overly gruesome or expects to much from the indies) I say Run! Bitch Run! is great in my book.
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